No. 191: Peace and Violence in Colombia

No. 191: Peace and Violence in Colombia

Author(s): Enzo Nussio
Editor(s): Matthias Bieri
Series Editor(s): Christian Nünlist, Matthias Bieri
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Issue: 191
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2016
Publication Place: Zurich

For Marxist guerillas in Latin America, the end is near. The government of Colombia is negotiating with the last of the rebels, FARC and ELN. But a peace agreement will not make the widespread violence disappear, as the criminal underworld is expected to reorganize and everyday violence will continue. The example of urban innovation in Medellín gives reason for hope.


Enlarged view:
FARC's Area of Activity 2010
Enlarged view:
Timeline of the Conflict and Victims of Violence in Columbia
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