Sicherheit 2016

Sicherheit 2016

The Trend of Opinions on Foreign, Security and Defense Policy

Author(s): Tibor Szvircsev Tresch, Andreas Wenger, Thomas Ferst, Tiffany Graf, Sabrina Pfister, Andrea Rinaldo
Editor(s): Tibor Szvircsev Tresch, Andreas Wenger
Series: Sicherheit
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich; Military Academy at ETH Zurich (MILAK)
Publication Year: 2016

The annual «Security» survey serves to determine trends in the formation of opinion on foreign, security and defense policy in Switzerland. It is based on representative surveys of the Swiss electorate, carried out on an annual basis. Apart from core questions always included or asked at irregular intervals, questions about current issues of security policy are annually included as well. In 2016 special attention was paid to measures to safeguard internal security, the division of tasks between the police and private security services, as well as a question put to the Swiss electorate concerning which tasks the Swiss Armed Forces should be called upon to fulfill.
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