
With more than 50 years of experience, the Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI) is Norway’s leading independent centre for research and information on international political and economic issues, and on areas of central relevance to Norwegian foreign policy. NUPI undertakes long-term basic research as well as short-term applied research and advisory services. Central to all NUPI’s work is interdisciplinary collaboration, both within the institute and with other institutes and bodies in Norway and abroad. NUPI offers a wide range of publications covering various issues within international relations research. The NUPI Working Papers present preliminary research on several issues within the field of international relations, which may lead to larger research papers. The series contains papers in English as well as in Norwegian.

Publishers: Norwegian Institute of International Affairs (NUPI)
Publications: The Geopolitics of Renewable Energy
Radicalization and Foreign Fighters in the Kosovo Context: An Analysis of International Media Coverage of the Phenomena
Lebanon Poised at the Brink
MINUSTAH´s Specialized Police Team to Combat Sexual Violence in Haiti
Non-Tariff Barriers, Trade Integration and the Gravity Model
Technical Barriers to Trade and SPS Measures and Export Dynamics
Tariff Rate Quotas: Free Trade or Non-Tariff Barriers?
Beggar Thy Neighbor? Application of SPS Measures by the Russian Federation
The Governance of Global Wealth Chains
Peacemaking: Can the EU Meet Expectations?
A Political Economy of Slum Spaces: Mathare Valley
New Trade Theory: Implications for Industrial Policy
Building a Security Community in the Neighborhood: Zooming in on the EU–Tunisia Relations
The ENP as an Instrument for Building a Security Community: The Case of Morocco
The Socially Conditioned Dynamics of Security Community Building Beyond EU Borders: The Case of Ukraine
The ENP as an Instrument for Building a Security Community? The Case of Moldova
The European Neighbourhood Policy: An Instrument for Security Community Building
Regional Trade Agreements in East Asia
Do the Effects of R&D Tax Credits Vary Across Industries?
The Reverse Home Market Effect in Exports
The Norwegian Approach to Afghanistan: Civilian-Military Segregation
Policy Strategies for Economic Development in Cuba
Corporate Social Responsibility when Ethical Beliefs and State of Public Governance Vary
Slaying Cyber Dragons
The Limits of Compulsory Cyber Power
The Politics of Cuban Transformation
The EEA and Norway Grants
World Trade 1970-2010: Globalisation, Regionalisation and Reallocation
Market Specific Fixed and Sunk Export Costs
Innovation, Absorptive Capacity and Complexity along Development Stages
Capable Companies or Changing Markets?
Revising COIN: The Stakeholder-Centric Approach
Business Groups, Innovation and Institutional Voids in Latin America
Access to Financial Services: Are Poor Excluded?
Socioeconomic and Ecological Consequences of Biofuel Development in India
Are Attitudes Conducive to Economic Growth Stronger in Protestants than in Others?
Integration, Security and Associated Non-members
The Trade-off Between Innovation and Defence Industrial Policy
International Patenting
The War on Terror from Bush to Obama
A Case Study of Norway's Beef Trade from Developing Countries
Public Procurement and Organized Crime – Illustrated with Examples from Bulgaria, Italy and Norway
Innovative and Absorptive Capacity Effects of Education in a Small, Open Economy
The Structure and Dynamics of Cut Flower Export Markets from Kenya and Ethiopia, with Particular Reference to Trade with Norway
Service Innovation and the Proximity- Concentration Trade-off Model of Trade and FDI
A New Panel Dataset for Cross-Country Analyses of National Systems, Growth and Development (CANA)
Cops and Crime in Kenya
Defence Firms Facing Liberalization
Mission-Wide Strategies for the Protection of Civilians
Somewhere to Turn?
Local and National Ownership in Post-Conflict Liberia
How Empires Emerge
Accountability in the United Nations
Firm Heterogeneity, International Cooperation and Export Participation
Globalisation, Domestic Market Integration, and the Regional Disparities of India
Assessing Complex Peace Operations
State Bipolarity, Kin Organizations and Violent Collective Action
Peacebuilding in Liberia and the Case for a Perspective from Below
Closing the Technology Gap?
Whither Commodity-Based Trade?
Sectoral Productivity Trend
Innovations in Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration Policy and Research
The Politics of the Comprehensive Approach
Crime, Police Corruption and Development
Trade and Growth – Again
The Protection of Aid Workers
Gendering the Security Sector
Implications of a Comprehensive or Integrated Approach for Training in United Nations and African Union Peace Operations
Theoretical Models of Heterogeneity, Growth and Competitiveness
Regional Trade Agreements vs. Multilateral Trading System

Protecting Civilians and Protecting Ideas
Effects of the EU Enlargement on Income Convergence in the Eastern Border Regions
Regional Development of Russian Industry
Enemies, Irregular Adversaries, Spoilers, Non-compliant Actors
Why Peacebuilders Fail to Secure Ownership and be Sensitive to Context
The Internationalization of Firms in the Service Industries
East-West Integration and the Economic Geography of Europe
European Integration and Domestic Regions: A Numerical Simulation Analysis
It Takes Two to Tango: Danish Concepts of Dialogue as Counterterrorism
Conditions for Hospitality or Defence of Identity?
Between Boy Scouts and Paramilitary Storm Troops: The Young Communist League of Nepal
Crime, Poverty and Police Corruption in Non-Rich Countries
Governance Indicators: A guided Tour
'Flipping the Coin' - Unity of Effort and Special Operations Forces
Empowering Commercial Actors
Unfolding the International at Late Modernity: International Society and the Humanitarian Space
Structural Change and the Growth of Industrial Sectors
Corruption in Sub-Saharan Africa and its Sources of Evidence
Police Corruption, Crime and Crime Reporting
Police Corruption, Crime and Crime Reporting: A Simultaneous Equations Approach
Is Corruption Contagious?
Fisheries Trade in India
Transitional Justice – Does it Help or does it Harm?
The Sadrists of Basra and the Far South of Iraq
Services Trade and IT-enabled Services
Technology Clubs, Technology Gaps and Growth Trajectories
Technological Regimes, Schumpeterian Patterns of Innovation and Firm Level Productivity Growth
Who Buys Whom in International Oligopolies with FDI and Technology Transfer?
Corruption and Armed Conflicts
A Match Made in Heaven? Strategic Convergence Between China and Russia
Megaton Nuclear Underground Tests and Catastrophic Events on Novaya Zemlya
International Engagement in Sudan after the CPA
How We Talk About the
Multidimensional and Integrated Peace Operations
The EU as a Security Actor - The Development of Political and Administrative Capabilities
Globalisation and Diplomacy
Basra Crude: The Great Game of Iraq's

Peace Operations in Africa
Technological Paradigms, Regimes and Trajectories
Civil-Military Cooperation in Multinational and Interagency Operations
Aid for Trade and the Post-Washington Confusion
Further Towards Post-Communism? From
A Childhood Lost? The Challenges of Successful Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration of Child Soldiers: The Case of West Africa
European Identity and Its Changing Others
The Political Economy of Disarmament, Demobilisation and Reintegration (DDR)
Norges bistand til urfolk
Implementing Human Rights Norms
Utenlandsinvesteringer i fiskeri- og havbruksnæringen
Child Soldiers: Reasons for Variation in their Rate of Recruitment and Standards of Welfare
Review of the Norwegian Program for Indigenous Peoples in Guatemala
Trade Openness and Economic Growth
Norge og multilateralt samarbeid
Sistani, the United States and Politics in Iraq
A Study of Civil Society in Nicaragua
WTO-forhandlingene om markedsadgang for industrivarer og fisk (NAMA)
Observing or Participating in Regime Change?
Hva gjør Norge utsatt for terrorisme?
EUs forslag til nytt tjenestedirektiv
Geographical Spread of Corruption
The State, the People and the Armed Forces
From Internationalization of Terrorism to the Internationalization of Anti-Terrorism
French Foreign Policy and the Limits of Europeanisation
From Common Defence to Comprehensive Security Towards the Europeanisation of French Foreign and Security Policy?
Stalin i postsovjetisk nasjonalbolsjevisme
Definitions of Strategic Political Communication
Strategic Adaptation or Identity Change? An Analysis of Britain’s Approach to the ESDP 1998-2004
As Safe as the Bank? Household Financial Behaviour and Economic Reasoning in Post-Soviet Russia
Shi'i Separatism in Iraq
Trade Policy Differentiation between Developing Countries under GSP Schemes
The Norwegian Import Regime for Agriculture
GSP in the “Spaghetti Bowl” of Trade Preferences
Norway's Trade with Developing Countries
Trade and Development - A Selective Review
The Future of Norway's GSP System
Corruption in China and Russia Compared

Early Intervention with Violent and Racist Youth Groups
The Congo War and the Prospects of State Formation
The German ICT Industry
Power, Principles and Procedures
Indigenous to Indigenous Cooperation
Norway’s Fredskorpset Youth Program
Norsk petro-power og terrorisme
North-South Trade and Wages with Complete Specialisation
The Challenge of Poor Governance and Corruption
Crude Nukes on the Loose?
The Inferior Performance of State Owned Enterprises: Is it due to Ownership or Market Structure?
Majority Rules and Incentives
Uniform or Different Policies
Tollnedtrapping for industrivarer i WTO – Virkninger for Norge
EU Security Policy
EFTAs frihandelsavtaler: Betydning for Norge
The Rhetoric of Hegemony: How the Extended Definition of Terrorism Redefines International Relations
Norsk utenrikshandel, markedspotensial og handelshindre
Defusing a Ticking Bomb? Disentangling International Organisations in Samtskhe-Javakheti
Nuclear Dimensions of the Iraqi Crisis
Krig mot Irak: Foreligger det et FN-Mandat for bruk av militærmakt?
Norges sikkerhetspolitiske utfordringer i nordområdene
The Intangible Globalization
Study of Selected Fredskorpset Exchange Projects
How the Axis of Evil Metaphor Changes Iranian Images of the US
Evaluation of FADCANIC's Teacher Training Program in Nicaragua's Southern Autonomous Region of the Atlantic Coast
A Global Race for Free Trade Agreements: From the Most to the Least Favoured Nation Treatment?
Regionale og bilaterale handelsavtaler i Latin-Amerika
Eksport av tjenester og potensialet for økt verdiskapning i Norge
Corruption and Fast Change: Shifting Modes of Micro-Coordination
A Polanyi Perspective on Post-Communist Corruption
A Gap in OSCE Conflict Prevention?
Industrial Heterogeneity of the ICT Industry
Rammevilkår for norsk fiskeeksport
EUs utvidelse og handelsvilkårene for norsk fiskeeksport
Virkninger for norsk fiskerinæring av en ny forhandlingsrunde i WTO
Norway as an Allied Activist
Transition from Socialism: The Corruption Heritage
Remarks on the Private-to-Private Corruption
Sunk Costs in the Exporting Activity
Strengthening Cooperative Threat Reduction with Russia
Divergence and Dispersion in the Russian Economy
Economic Convergence through Savings, Trade and Technology Flows
International R&D Spillovers and the Effect of Absorptive Capacity: An Empirical Study
Multinationals Searching for R&D Spillovers: A Survey of the Literature
International R&D Spillovers and the Absorptive Capacity of Multinationals
Exit Neo-Nazism - Reducing Recruitment and Promoting Disengagement from Racist Groups
From Territorial Defence to Comprehensive Security?
Sivil-militær splittelse og amerikansk sikkerhetspolitikk
Kan valg av eksportmarked forklares med teorien om investeringer under usikkerhet?
Geography and Growth - some Empirical Evidence
French, UK, and US Policies to Support Peacekeeping in Africa: Current Status and Future Prospects
Meet Me Halfway but Don’t Rush - Absorptive Capacity and Strategic R&D Investment Revisited
Political Priorities and Economic Interests in Russian-Latvian Relations
The Europeanisation of Norway's Security Identity
Firms' Export Decisions - Fixed Trade Costs and the Size of the Export Market
Linking Issues - Should One Bargain over Two Issues Simultaneously or Separately?
Recent Advances in Growth Theory: A Comparison of Neoclassical and Evolutionary Perspectives
Lovely but Dangerous: The Impact of Patent Citations on Patent Duration
An Essay on Child Labor in Sub-Saharan Africa - A Bargaining Approach
Family-Controlled Child Labor in Sub-Saharan Africa - A Survey of Research
Security, Integration and Identity Change
Forhandlingsmetodikk i WTO
Globalisation and Industrial Location: The Impact of Trade Policy when Geography Matters
Patterns of Trade and Foreign Direct Investment in Africa
Foreign Ownership, R&D and Technology Sourcing
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