
The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) is a non-profit organization. The Institute's main objective is to promote an understanding of the problems of international politics through studies, research, meetings and publications, with the aim of increasing the opportunities of all countries to move in the direction of supranational organization, democratic freedom and social justice. Global Turkey in Europe Commentaries is a series of commentaries published in the context of the IAI-Istanbul Policy Center-Mercator Foundation project "Turkey, Europe and the World" on the political, economic and foreign policy dimensions of Turkey's evolving relationship with the EU.

Publishers: Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)
Stiftung Mercator
Istanbul Policy Center (IPC)
Publications: The Post-Elections Turkey: What Lies Ahead?
Turkish Foreign Policy after the Elections: Where to from Here?
Turkey's 2015 Elections: A New Beginning for Turkey's European Union Accession Goal, or the End of a Dream?
Democracy and Civil Society in Turkey: Contesting Tutelage!
Between Appeasement and Rivalry: Turkey and Russia and their Neighbourhoods
Turkey, Syria and Saving the PKK Peace Process
The Conflict Within Turkey’s Islamic Camp
Turkey's Fight Against Corruption: A Critical Assessment
The Challenge of à la Turca Presidentialism in Turkey
Turkish Boots Will Remain on Turkish Ground
Making (Non)Sense of Turkey’s Policy on Kobane
Dealing with Turkey After Ukraine: Why the EU Should Let the Enlargement Approach Go
Can the EU Clean Politics in Enlargement Countries?
Erdoğan, the Kurds, and Turkey’s Presidential Elections
Internet Freedom and Freedom of Expression in Turkey
Turkey’s Municipal Elections: Setting the Stage for Upcoming Elections
“Euro-Turks” A Commentary
The Future of Europe, Differentiated Integration and Turkey’s Role
Turkey, Europe and the Syrian Crisis: What Went Wrong?
The Pivotal Relationship: German Doubts and the Turkish-EU Accession Process
Turkey, Syria and the Kurds: There Goes the Neighborhood
Turkish-Israeli Relations in a Changing Strategic Environment
Does the EU Still Have Leverage on Questions of Freedom of Expression in Turkey?
EU-Turkey Relations: A Glimmer of Hope?
A Tale of Wasted Opportunities: The EU, Turkey and Iran's Nuclear Issue
Turkey, Syria and the Western Strategic Imperative
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