Strategische Krisenfrüherkennung – Instrumente, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen

Strategische Krisenfrüherkennung – Instrumente, Möglichkeiten und Grenzen

Author(s): Florian Roth, Michel Herzog
Journal Title: Zeitschrift für Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik
Pages: 1-11
Publisher(s): Springer Fachmedien
Publication Year: 2016
Publication Place: Wiesbaden

The article provides an introduction into the processes and instruments of strategic early crisis detection as they are currently being used by national, international and non-state actors alike. It is shown why technical risk analyses are not sufficient for identifying potential crises and to what extent integrative and future-oriented approaches can offer an added value in this context. Moreover, the article examines the challenges and limits of strategic early crisis detection and discusses possible solutions.
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