
Jun 2016

This paper provides recommendations on how the US might leverage its rapidly-growing energy assets to further its national security interests, particularly in relation to China and Russia. The key recommendations include the following: 1) clarify the role the US will play in promoting and protecting energy global market flows and efficient trading; 2) affirm that leveraging energy assets is a paramount national security matter; 3) adapt US domestic energy policy to maximize resilience; 4) establish a new Pacific Energy Forum; 5) expand bilateral energy cooperation between the United States and China; 6) address Russian coercive energy market activities abroad by expanding cooperation with European and other partners; and 7) maintain security commitments in the Asia-Pacific region to protect energy market stability.

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Author Elizabeth Rosenberg,David Gordon, Ellie Maruyama, Alexander Sullivan
Series CNAS Reports
Publisher Center for a New American Security (CNAS)
Copyright © 2016 Center for a New American Security
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