
The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) is a non-profit organization. The Institute's main objective is to promote an understanding of the problems of international politics through studies, research, meetings and publications, with the aim of increasing the opportunities of all countries to move in the direction of supranational organization, democratic freedom and social justice. In its four annual issues, The International Spectator aims to provide academics, practitioners, opinion- and decision-makers, and interested laymen with thought-provoking and policy-oriented essays, opinions, and book reviews on a wide spectrum of foreign policy issues.

Publishers: Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)
Publications: The G20 after Los Cabos: Illusions of Global Economic Governance
Fifteen Proposals for a Bipartisan European Policy in Italy
Domestic Politics and European Integration in Ukraine
The Prodi Government and Italy-US Relations
The Dilemma of Aid to the PA After the Victory of Hamas
The European Dimension of the Debate on UN Security Council Memebership
A Treaty in Troubled Waters
Vladimir Putin and the Chechen War
The Security Dimension of the European Neighbourhood Policy
The European Parliament in CFSP: More than a Marginal Player?
The French-German Duo and the Search for a New European Security Mode
The EU Constitutional Treaty
The Reform of ESDP and EU-NATO Cooperation
The Afghanisation of Chechnya
Third Party Monitoring in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Fiscal Policy Rules and the European Constitution
Justice and Home Affairs after the 2004 Enlargement
Simplification of the EU Treaties
Dilemmas of Western Policies Towards Iran
A Supranational Party System and the Legitimacy of the European Union
The Second Berlusconi Government and Italian Foreign Policy
The Lessons of September 11
EU Social Policies
The Nice Declaration: Time for a Constitutional Treaty of the European Union?
Finding Transatlantic Common Ground on Climate Change?
Towards a Truly European Financial Market
The Öcalan Affair Revisited
The End of Civilian Power EU
Kosovo and the Region
Turkey’s Domestic Political Landscape
Economic and Monetary Union: A Test for US-European Relations
Lessons of International Law from NATO’s Armed Intervention Against the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia
NATO Enlargement after the First Round
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