Tobias Pulver

Tobias Pulver

Haldeneggsteig 4
8092 Zürich

Phone: +41 44 632 28 91

Tobias Pulver is a PhD candidate at the Center for Security Studies (CSS) at ETH Zurich. He holds a Master’s degree in Comparative and International Studies from ETH Zurich and the University of Zurich. His Master’s thesis investigated the impacts of foreign cyber-enabled disinformation influence efforts targeting democracies. During his Master’s, Tobias worked as a research assistant in cyber security politics at the CSS.

After completing his Bachelor’s degree in Political Science at the University of Zurich, Tobias co-founded the Effective Altruism Foundation, where he worked on projects in the areas of global health and development, animal welfare, and risks from advanced artificial intelligence over the course of five years.

Tobias’ research interest revolves around the intersection of international security, emerging technologies and economics. Specifically, he focuses on the use of economic statecraft in technological great power competition.

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