Die Türkei verfolgt ihre Interessen ohne Rücksicht auf die Nato – und macht sich dabei von Russland abhängig

Die Türkei verfolgt ihre Interessen ohne Rücksicht auf die Nato – und macht sich dabei von Russland abhängig

Author(s): Niklas Masuhr
Publisher(s): Neue Zürcher Zeitung
Publication Year: 2021

Ankara's aggressive behavior in several scenes of war is putting a strain on relations with NATO partners. Nevertheless, Turkey cannot afford a rift with the western military alliance, argues CSS’ Niklas Masuhr in this NZZ article. The country insists on its independence and even shows this through its use of military means. At the same time, Turkey repeatedly coordinated with Russia and even acquired Russian air defense systems. Turkey remains dependent on Moscow's goodwill in many ways.
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