KI und «Big Data» als militärische Befähigungstechnologie – erste Lehren aus dem Ukrainekrieg?

KI und «Big Data» als militärische Befähigungstechnologie – erste Lehren aus dem Ukrainekrieg?

Author(s): Niklas Masuhr
Publisher(s): stratos
Publication Year: 2023

The Ukrainian Armed Forces have drawn on a variety of modern military, civilian and dual-use technologies in their efforts to repel Russia’s invasion, launched in early 2022. These technologies have been used alongside and against a plethora of legacy military equipment and weapons systems. The present war might as such allow for initial lessons as to the viability of AI and data analytics in conventional warfare, not least because Ukraine is deploying systems and methodologies developed by Western militaries and defence contractors. However, context is key and the dynamics of the war and idiosyncrasies of the combatants should not be underestimated in assessing the wider potential of technologies.
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