Einbindung der Bevölkerung in den resilienzorientierten Bevölkerungsschutz: Implikationen für die Risikokommunikation

Einbindung der Bevölkerung in den resilienzorientierten Bevölkerungsschutz: Implikationen für die Risikokommunikation

Author(s): Florian Roth
Editor(s): Thomas Jäger, Anna Daun, Dirk Freudenberg
Book Title: Politisches Krisenmanagement: Band 2: Reaktion – Partizipation – Resilienz
Publisher(s): Springer
Publication Year: 2018

The word resilience is omnipresent in current discussions on how to protect the population from current and future risks. Not only buildings, infrastructure and organizations have to be resilient. Also citizens are increasingly expected to contribute to the resilience of society as a whole. This chapter sheds light on the impact risk communication has on the creation of social resilience by looking at the changing expectations towards citizens since the emergence of the resilience- concept.
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