Trends in der Streitkräfteentwicklung Kleiner Staaten

Trends in der Streitkräfteentwicklung Kleiner Staaten

Author(s): Michael Haas, Annabelle Vuille
Editor(s): Oliver Thränert, Benno Zogg
Series Editor(s): Andreas Wenger
Book Title: Bulletin 2019 on Swiss Security Policy
Series: Bulletin on Swiss Security Policy
Pages: 33-54
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2019

According to Michael Haas and Annabelle Vuille, many small states face considerable challenges when deciding on the future orientation and composition of their defense forces. The geostrategic environment is becoming increasingly volatile and harder to predict, defense technology is rapidly changing, and financial leeway in defense expenditures is still limited. This renders the development of a coherent strategy, doctrine and planning ever more difficult. How should small states strengthen their deterrence and defense capabilities? What role can technology play in this respect? The authors argue that the array of existing approaches in small states demonstrates that possibilities and instruments to respond are more diverse than it may first seem.
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