No. 267: Coronavirus: A Double-edged Sword for China

No. 267: Coronavirus: A Double-edged Sword for China

Author(s): Brian Carlson
Editor(s): Lisa Watanabe, Fabien Merz
Series Editor(s): Lisa Watanabe, Julian Kamasa, Fabien Merz, Benno Zogg
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Issue: 267
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2020

China’s response to the coronavirus pandemic, including its effort to shape the narrative, is likely to have major geopolitical implications. For China, the pandemic is a double-edged sword. The government’s shortcomings in responding to the virus have damaged its image around the world. Yet, Chinese leaders may believe that their country will emerge from the crisis more powerful than before.
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