No. 324: NATO and Article 5 in Cyberspace

No. 324: NATO and Article 5 in Cyberspace

Author(s): Sarah Wiedemar
Editor(s): Fabien Merz
Series Editor(s): Névine Schepers, Sophie-​Charlotte Fischer, Julian Kamasa, Fabien Merz
Series: CSS Analyses in Security Policy
Issue: 324
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich
Publication Year: 2023

NATO has designated cyberspace as a domain of warfare and recognized that an adversarial cyber campaign could trigger the Alliance’s collective defense mechanism under Article 5. Given the complexities of cyberattacks and the difficulties of designing an effective response, it is unknown whether and what kind of cyberattack(s) might trigger a collective defense response from the Alliance.
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