Europe's Fiery Future: Rethinking Wildfire Policy

Europe's Fiery Future: Rethinking Wildfire Policy

Author(s): Christine Eriksen
Editor(s): Annabelle Vuille
Series: CSS Policy Perspectives
Volume: 8
Issue: 12
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich
Publication Year: 2020
Publication Place: Zurich

Climate change plays a crucial role in increasing the risk and extent of wildfires. While the US and Australia have been particularly affected this year, Europe will increasingly face similar challenges, argues Christine Eriksen in this CSS Policy Perspective. Exacerbated by problematic land management policies, wildfires are forcing emergency services, land managers and policymakers to adapt to a fiery future. How we manage the land and where we live matter. Local and indigenous environmental knowledge that understands the diverse, interconnecting aspects of a landscape are crucial to sustainable land stewardship. Knowing the difference between good and bad fire regimes is equally important.
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