The Resurgence of the State

The Resurgence of the State

Trends and Processes in Cyberspace Governance

Author(s): Myriam Dunn, Victor Mauer, Sai Felicia Krishna-Hensel, Jamal Shahin, Alexander Siedschlag, Mika Hayashi, Dirk Lehmkuhl, Ralf Bendrath
Editor(s): Myriam Dunn, Victor Mauer, Sai Felicia Krishna-Hensel
Publisher(s): Ashgate
Publication Year: 2007
Publication Place: Aldershot

The transnational architecture of global information networks has made territorial borders less significant. Boundaries between spaces are becoming blurred in the evolving information age. But do information and communication technologies networks really lead to a weakening of the nation-state? This volume revisits the retreat of the state thesis and tests its validity in the 21st century. It considers cyberspace as a matter of collective and policy choice, prone to usurpation by governance structures. Governments around the world are already reacting to the information revolution and trying to re-establish their leading role in creating governance regimes for the Information Age. The volume comes at a historical moment when new political dynamics are detected and new conceptual models are sought to categorize the attempts to deal with global/transnational issues. It analyzes the role of the state in the emerging global/supranational governance structures by providing historical context and conceptualizing trends and social dynamics.
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