International River Basins: Management and Conflict Perspectives

International River Basins: Management and Conflict Perspectives

Author(s): Samuel Luzi
Journal Title: Les Cahiers de la Sécurité
Series: CSS Environment and Conflict Transformation
Volume: 63
Pages: 35-59
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2006

This article traces the discourses on water management and water conflict as distinct starting points for the analysis of international river basins. The author analyzes the conceptual relations in time between the two approaches, focusing on the following three dimensions: the issues addressed and interventions proposed; actors and institutions involved; and spatial focal points. He argues that a convergence between the two approaches is observable. (This article is reproduced online with the permission of the publisher. It originally appeared as: 'Les bassins hydrographiques internationaux : conflits et gestion des ressources hydriques, Les Cahiers de la Sécurité, Numéro 63, 2006')
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