A New Era: Power in Partnership Peacekeeping

A New Era: Power in Partnership Peacekeeping

Author(s): Maurice P. Schumann, Corinne Bara
Journal Title: International Studies Quarterly
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
Publication Year: 2023

UN blue helmets increasingly deploy in partnership with regional organizations and coalitions of states. While this development is hailed as a way out of geopolitical fragmentation and capacity overstretch, little is known about the effectiveness of these peacekeeping partnerships. In this article, CSS' Corinne Bara argues, in collaboration with Maurice P. Schumann, that UN and non-UN operations exercise different forms of power, which reinforce each other to reduce battle violence in active wars. If non-UN military operations actively engage in combat, the UN can focus on what it does best—employing its broad toolbox to coerce, induce, and persuade. The quantitative analysis of the authors published in International Studies Quarterly support these expectations.
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