Breaking the Myth of Cyber Doom: Securitization and Normalization of Novel Threats

Breaking the Myth of Cyber Doom: Securitization and Normalization of Novel Threats

Author(s): Miguel Alberto Gomez, Christopher Whyte
Journal Title: International Studies Quarterly
Publisher(s): Oxford University Press
Publication Year: 2021

Do logic-of-the-domain explanations account for insecurity following cybersecurity incidents? In this International Studies Quarterly article, CSS' Miguel Alberto Gomez and Christopher Whyte demonstrate that repeated exposure to news of cybersecurity incidents does not cause panic and dread among publics. Rather, perceptions are shaped by embeddedness in digital society and the sense of control such that exposure mitigates negative emotions over time, normalizing novel threats. Moreover, assessments of digital threats towards the polity are grounded on personal threat sensitivity.
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