Science, Technology, Security: Towards Critical Collaboration

Science, Technology, Security: Towards Critical Collaboration

Author(s): Matthias Leese, Sam Evans, Dagmar Rychnovská
Journal Title: Social Studies of Science
Publisher(s): Sage Journals
Publication Year: 2020

Science and technology play a central role in the contemporary governance of security, both as tools for the production of security and as objects of security concern. Scholars are increasingly seeking to not only critically reflect on the interplays between science, technology and security, but also engage with the practices of security communities that shape and are shaped by science and technology. In this journal article, CSS Matthias Leese explores possible modes of socio-technical collaboration with security communities of practice. Bringing together literatures from science and technology studies (STS) and critical security studies, the authors identify several key challenges to critical social engagement of STS scholars in security-related issues and demonstrate how these challenges played out over the course of three case studies.
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