Regulatory Cybersecurity Governance in the Making: The Formation of ENISA and Its Struggle for Epistemic Authority

Regulatory Cybersecurity Governance in the Making: The Formation of ENISA and Its Struggle for Epistemic Authority

Author(s): Myriam Dunn Cavelty, Max Smeets
Journal Title: Journal of European Public Policy
Publisher(s): Taylor & Francis
Publication Year: 2023

In this Journal of European Public Policy article, CSS' Myriam Dunn Cavelty and Max Smeets analyze how the European Union Agency for Cybersecurity (ENISA), emerged and stabilized as the EU's key agency for cybersecurity. Using data from policy documents, secondary sources, and semi-structured interviews they show how ENISA struggled to become a relevant actor by carving out a specific role for itself. Their article indicates that the study of security governance must remain ontologically flexible to capture hybrid forms and political struggles.
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