Rethinking the Interplay Between Affluence and Vulnerability to Aid Climate Change Adaptive Capacity

Rethinking the Interplay Between Affluence and Vulnerability to Aid Climate Change Adaptive Capacity

Author(s): Christine Eriksen, Florian Roth, Linda Maduz, Tim Prior
Journal Title: Climatic Change
Publisher(s): Springer
Publication Year: 2020

In this paper, CSS’s Christine Eriksen, Florian Roth, Linda Maduz and Tim Prior propose a re-examination of the dynamic relationship between affluence and vulnerability —a complex association defined as the Affluence–Vulnerability Interface (AVI). A more nuanced understanding of the AVI can (1) problematize the notion that increasing material affluence necessarily has a mitigating influence on social vulnerability, (2) extend analysis of social vulnerability beyond low-income regions to include affluent contexts and (3) improve understanding of how psychosocial characteristics influence people’s vulnerability.
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