

Author(s): Christian Nünlist
Editor(s): Almut Möller, Tim Oliver
Series Editor(s): Eberhard Sandschneider
Journal Title: The United Kingdom and the European Union: What would a 'Brexit' mean for the EU and other States around the World?
Series: DGAP Analyse
Volume: 16
Pages: 63-66
Publisher(s): Deutsche Gesellschaft für Auswärtige Politik e.V.
Publication Year: 2014
Publication Place: Berlin

British Euroskeptics often portray Switzerland as an attractive alternative model to EU membership. But the 'Swiss model' with its bilateral special solutions has recently come under severe pressure. There are clear links, especially evident to the Swiss, between how Brussels is behaving toward Switzerland and the idea of a British exit. Switzerland could become an example of the limitations on what some British Euroskeptics think the UK can achieve.
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