The Limits of Like-mindedness in Cyberspace

The Limits of Like-mindedness in Cyberspace

Author(s): Stefan Soesanto
Journal Title: Analyses of the Elcano Royal Institute (ARI)
Publisher(s): Elcano Royal Institute
Publication Year: 2021

In reaction to the Ghostwriter campaign, the EU’s High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy published a Declaration in September on the ‘respect for the EU’s democratic processes’. Surprisingly, the Declaration inherently failed to rally widespread public support among Western democracies in Europe and beyond. In this article for the Elcano Royal Institute CSS' Stefan Soesanto shows that like-mindedness was not on display and explains that strategic miscalculations, legal inaccuracies and political bargaining failures within the EU’s decision-making process are likely to blame for the Declaration’s poor result.
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