Why Drones Have Not Revolutionized War: The Enduring Hider-Finder Competition in Air Warfare

Why Drones Have Not Revolutionized War: The Enduring Hider-Finder Competition in Air Warfare

Author(s): Antonio Calcara, Andrea Gilli, Mauro Gilli, Raffaele Marchetti, Ivan Zaccagnini
Journal Title: International Security
Publisher(s): MIT Press
Publication Year: 2022

According to the accepted wisdom in security studies, drones have revolutionizing effects on war and world politics. In this International Security article, Antonio Calcara, Andrea Gilli, CSS' Mauro Gilli, Raffaele Marchetti and Ivan Zaccagnini contest this theory by analyzing three conflicts that featured extensive employment of drones. They conclude that drones by themselves do not produce the revolutionary effects that many have attributed to them.
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