Flexibel durch die Krise: Handlungsempfehlungen für die lokale Verwaltung

Flexibel durch die Krise: Handlungsempfehlungen für die lokale Verwaltung

Author(s): Lisa Mende, Benjamin Scharte, Lorenz Wiese, Alexa Lenz, Florian Roth, Wolfgang Seibel, Steffen Eckhard
Series: HybOrg Praxispapier
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich
Publication Year: 2021

Crisis situations require an enormous amount of flexibility from local administrations. Flexibility in the sense of changes in decision-making structures, the recruitment of personnel and organizational processes, which lead to greater freedom of action for the actors involved. This practice paper summarizes the findings of the research project “HybOrg - the emergence and social impact of hybrid organizations in local crisis management” and, based on its scientific results, it presents six recommended actions for successful and flexible administrative action in times of crisis.
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