Trend Analysis Civil Protection 2030 Uncertainties, Challenges and Opportunities

Trend Analysis Civil Protection 2030 Uncertainties, Challenges and Opportunities

Author(s): Andrin Hauri, Kevin Kohler, Florian Roth, Marco Käser, Tim Prior, Benjamin Scharte
Editor(s): Benjamin Scharte, Oliver Thränert
Series: CSS Risk and Resilience Reports
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zürich
Publication Year: 2020

Artificial Intelligence, Digitalization, Climate Change – many overarching trends and developments have the potential to alter the lives of billions of people in the coming years. For society, most of these trends represent both a challenge and an opportunity. In any case, they will also affect the civil protection system in Switzerland. The objective of this report is therefore twofold. First, it aims to provide a systematic analysis of twelve technological, societal and environmental trends for the next ten years, and second, it makes recommendations on how the civil protection system in Switzerland could be optimized in view of their impact. The analysis thus serves as a supportive foundation for further developing the civil protection system through targeted, coordinated and comprehensible strategic decision-making. The report is a continuation of the first Risk and Resilience Report on trends in civil protection from 2014, with an extended time horizon to 2030.


Enlarged view:
Interdependencies of Trends Relevant for the Swiss Civil Protection System
Enlarged view:
The Importance of Trends for the Swiss Civil Protection System
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