The Glocalisation of Al Qaedaism

The Glocalisation of Al Qaedaism

Author(s): Prem Mahadevan
Editor(s): Oliver Thränert
Series Editor(s): Andreas Wenger
Book Title: Strategic Trends 2013: Key Developments in Global Affairs
Series: Strategic Trends
Publisher(s): Center for Security Studies (CSS), ETH Zurich
Publication Year: 2013
Publication Place: Zurich

Although Al Qaeda has been significantly weakened as an organisation, its ideological footprint has grown in recent years. This has been partly because of the 2011 Arab revolts, which removed established regimes that opposed jihadism in the Middle East and North Africa. A secondary reason has been the death of Osama Bin Laden, which permitted the re-emergence of an indirect approach to fighting the West. There is no longer an overarching body in the international ‘jihadosphere’, but rather, there are regional groups that are becoming more deadly.
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