Nuclear Arms Proliferation and the Utility of the Non Proliferation Regime

Nuclear Arms Proliferation and the Utility of the Non Proliferation Regime

Autor(en): Ursula Jasper, James Davis
Herausgeber: Saul Takahashi
Buchtitel: Human Rights, Human Security, and State Security: The Intersection
Band: 1
Seiten: 157-180
Verlag(e): Praeger
Publikationsjahr: 2014

In their chapter Ursula Jasper and James Davis critically examine the nuclear nonproliferation treaty(NPT) and its utility in the international security regime, noting that while global stocks of nuclear weapons have fallen substantially, the causes for this may lie in parts outside of the NPT regime. Jasper and Davis argue that a truly effective regime to reduce nuclear weapons is only one component of a comprehensive framework aimed at ensuring security, and conclude that a more empirical analysis of the achievements and shortcomings of the NPT regime is necessary.
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