

This journal includes articles which examine some of the paradoxes, dilemmas and contradictions that exist within the spheres of public and international affairs. Among other issues, the articles focus on 1) how individualism has hindered the development of moral cosmopolitanism in the West; 2) how the forms of legitimization used by the Chinese Communist Party affect its relations with Japan and the dispute over the the Diaoyu/Senkaku islands; and 3) the issue in Canada of there being a growing number of unemployed persons in the country and a continuation of a large influx of temporary foreign workers.

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Author Eric Thomson. Christopher Peys, Sébastien Labrecque, Andrew Champagne, Christell Simeon, Francisco Gómez, Nathalie Labonté
Series CIPS Potentia
Issue 5
Publisher Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS)
Copyright © 2014 Centre for International Policy Studies (CIPS)
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