
The Center for Security Studies (CSS) is a center of competence for Swiss and international security policy. It offers security policy expertise in research, teaching, and consultancy and promotes understanding of security policy challenges. The CSS Policy Perspectives present the assessments of CSS experts and internationally-renowned guest authors on security issues. They are generated on an event-driven basis, with the objective of translating the academic excellence of the CSS into policy-relevant analyses and recommendations.

Publishers: Center for Security Studies (CSS)
Publications: Securing Europe’s Supply of Rare Earths
Navigating Stormy Seas in US-China Relations
The Ukraine Drone Effect on European Militaries
Minsk’s Signals: Belarus and the War in Ukraine
The China Factor in Russia’s War in Ukraine
Adapting Civil Protection to a Changing Climate
Tense Triangle in Asia: The South Korea Factor
US-China “Tech Decoupling”: A Swiss Perspective
When Crises Collide: Energy, Security, Climate Change
Triple Nexus in Fragile Contexts: Next Steps
What it Takes to Develop a Military Cyber-Force
Russia’s War and the Global Nuclear Order
Sicherheitsordnung nach Moskaus Ukraine-Invasion
The War Against Ukraine Shapes NATO’s Future
Goodbye Cyberwar: Ukraine as Reality Check
Ceasefire Monitoring and Verification Technology
Europe: Greater Autonomy, Better Allies
The Role of Value Systems in Conflict Resolution
Redesigning Nuclear Arms Control for New Realities
NATO’s Strategic Concept: Three Do’s and Don’ts
Nord Stream 2: It’s Time to Change Perspective
European Drone Clubs Stall Strategic Autonomy
COVAX braucht eine politische Zukunft
Arms Control Without Treaties
Belarus in Upheaval: Three Scenarios
Turbulent Trade: Europe and the Biden Challenge
Predictive Policing: Proceed, but with Care
China’s Rise Can Unite NATO
Europe’s Fiery Future: Rethinking Wildfire Policy
US Evangelicals: From Prophecy to Policy
Arms Control: For and By Europe
Das Krisenmanagement kann aus der Krise lernen
Keeping the Skies Open over Europe
Corona-​Aufarbeitung: Sind wir strategiefähig?
An ‘Etroika’ to Advance Europe’s Policy on Libya
The Instrumentalization of Religion in Conflict
Securing Future 5G-​Networks
Obstacles Ahead: Preserving the JCPOA
Policy Consulting in the Age of Corona
Neo-Containment: A Strategy toward Russia
Educating Engineers for Resilience
A Politically Neutral Hub for Basic AI Research
Trump’s Missile Defense: Challenges for Europe
The Use of Smart Pressure to Resolve Civil Wars
When Terrorism and Organized Crime Meet
Religion and the Prevention of Violent Extremism
Russia’s Turn to Eurasia
Time to Ease Sanctions on Russia
Preventing Violent Extremism in Tunisia
Cyberspace is a Consensual Hallucination
Rethinking Mediation: Resolving Religious Conflicts
The China Challenge Calls for US Leadership
Lost in Regulation: The EU and Nord Stream 2
Trump Preparing to End Iran Nuke Deal
American Affairs and US Foreign Policy
No Shortcut to a European Deterrent
Energy Union: Delivery Still Pending
Donald Trump´s Foreign Policy: McCarthyism as a Cautionary Tale
IS Defeat in Sirte Leaves Tunisia Vulnerable
Syria and the Chemical Weapons Ban
Donbas and the Democracy Dilemma in De Facto States
Promoting Salafi Political Participation
Nord Stream 2: Trust in Europe
Time to Seize the Greek Opportunity
Russia’s “Militarization” of Colour Revolutions
Trust and Realpolitik: The OSCE in 2016
Searching for an Energy Union
Coordinating Democracy Promotion: Lessons from Belarus
Keeping France in the CSDP
Out-narrating the IS
The Nuclear Weapons Comeback
How to Use Climate Finance
Putin’s Patriotic Pivot
War Risks in Asia – Deciphering 1914
Nigeria On the Edge
After Ukraine: Enhancing Europe’s Gas Security
Neither Small Step Nor Giant Leap
Friend not Foe
Deflating Russia’s Gas Pressure
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