
Having an extensive network of partners helps us ensure that our online content is credible and able to stand up to academic rigor. It also enables us to present a host of opinions on particular issues without compromising our commitment to balanced and non-partisan analysis. Yet as our partner network continues to diversify, we are increasingly being presented with the opportunity to feature the work of emerging talents in the international relations and security fields. Take, for example, our recent co-sponsorship of the Annual Graduate Conference of the British Society of Middle Eastern Studies (BRISMES). Entitled Change and Continuity in the Middle East: Rethinking West-Asia, North Africa and the Gulf After 2011, the conference provided young scholars with an opportunity to present papers on a host of issues relevant to the changing social, economic and political environment of these volatile regions. As a result of our partnership with BRISMES, and because we are committed to promoting up-and-coming talent in our areas of interest, we are happy to feature here a selection of the papers given at the conference. However, we consider it important to remind you that the arguments or conclusions outlined in these papers are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of ISN.

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